Passionate Faith
October 12, 2015
When we truly believe in something we will be passionate about it whether healing or supply or reaching the lost we will be emotional about it, passionate about it. Too much so what we call faith is rational and mental and never produces. Faith will always produce. Now faith begins where the will of God is known. When we know the will of God we should never take no for an answer because God cannot lie and when we find His will when we add faith to what God has said no enemy can stop then manifestation. The secret is first to hear from God. As we spend time with Him and seek His face about what we need He will hear and answer us. When we hear form Him then we can speak with authority into our situation.
We must be convinced that we are the blessed of God, that we are favored by God. God has provided everything that we need, prosperiety, health, victory in every situation.
We are not on our own to try to do everything by ourself. God has given us His Holy Spirit who dwells in us. His word to us will create faith in us and as we meditate on that word and allow it,it will create passion in you, and expectation that God will fulfill His word. We can work up passion about anything we might as well create passion about the truth. We are not led by our emotions but our emotions are a part of the package. We are led by the Spirit and as we spend time with Him we become passionate about what He is passionate about and we start seeking to do His will as priority and He makes our needs as His priority.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 KJV