Heaven on Earth
November 28, 2015
“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10 KJV
According to the "Lord's Prayer" our job is to restore the order of heaven to an earth in rebellion. The chaos and confusion, disorder and mayhem of this current earth was brought on by Adam's treason and handing the lordship of the earth to satan. Jesus took the Lordship back as the Son of Man who then died to pay the price for Adam's treason and won the victory for all of mankind. We must accept what He did on our behalf but when we do we begin a worderful adventure with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords . As one of the kings submitted in His ranks we are then to reestablish heaven on earth. Heaven is the perfect manifestation of the will of the Father, not poverty, sickness, disease, wars, famine, starvation. Many people in their ignorance blame all these on God and much more evil. Our God is not the author of evil nor is any evil found in Him.
In making this statement as to our orders Jesus is saying that we have the authority to do exactly that, bring heaven and all of its benefits to earth. This is what the great commission is about, making disciples of all nations. Not all will believe so the earth will not be heaven until Jesus returns to force it to be so when He eliminates all that will not submit to heaven's atmosphere.
God's will is for perfect harmony and peace, no sickness, disease, famine, cruelty, sorrow or pain. Seeking first the kingdom of God is seeking to manifest the goodness of God to a world cruely punished and mangled by the enemy, satan. Satan is defeated by Jesus. Now it is up to people to hear and submit to the Lordship of Jesus and come out from under the lordship of satan.