Orphans or Sons?

November 30, 2015


        There are two kinds of people in the world spiritually, sons and orphans.  An orphan is never sure of his relationship and so will live a life on the surface to look like they are pleasing to the Father.  When our daughter was an orphan and would come to visit we would feed her spicy food which she did not really like but she never told us, she was hungry and feared that if she said that she did not like the food we would quit feeding her.  She would also never take too much food out of fear once again that we would reject her because she would be eating too much.  We knew that she needed us to complete the adoption to give her a sense of security.  Even after the adoption was final she one time borrowed our digital camera to take pictures at a friends wedding.  In the process of getting out of the car the camera slipped out of her coat pocket and upon hitting the ground, the screen broke.  When she reported it to us she was very shaken and offered to pay us money she had for emergency that her great aunt had given her so our daughter had to go see the great aunt in an emergency she would have the money.  We told her that accidents happen in families and that children do not get kicked out of families because of and accident.  We refused to take her money or treat her any different.

        In our spiritual life, if we have an orphan spirit we are always walking on egg shells, fearing that we will do something that will offend our Father and get kicked out of heaven.  We are always living on barely get along street, barely getting our needs met some of the time in fear of asking for too much , may be God wll not like us asking for too much and punish us.  One of our spiritual sons started shedding his spiritual orphan thinking around us.  He would come to visit and have no hesitation about asking what did we have to eat. 

        We need to pull up our chair to the spiritual banquetting table that God has freely provided and not be bashful.  God's love has freely provided for us.  A son will celebate his fathers abundance and love for him.  He has no fear about being kicked out of the family for wrong behavior but instead strives to do what is right just because of the love of the Father for him. 

        You are a son of God.  Freely and boldly come into His presence to receive all that you need without fear of being rebuked or thrown out of the family. Become confident in His love for you.  You are a son.

        “And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.” ‭Galatians‬ ‭4:6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Edgar Norris