Blessed And Cannot Be Cursed
December 5, 2015
““How shall I curse whom God has not cursed? And how shall I denounce whom the LORD has not denounced?
Behold, I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it.”
Numbers 23:8, 20 NKJV
God has blessed us and we cannot be cursed. The devil cannot undo what God has done. Sickness and disease is a part of the curse. It has no right in our bodies.
Balaam could not curse the people of Israel but he could tell Balak how to get around the blessing of God and bring destruction to Israel,and it almost worked. All that Balak had to do as to get Israel to agree to sin and judgement would come upon them. And that is what happened. Moses saw what was happening and put a stop to it before Israel was destroyed.
Satan gets us to believe that we really deserve the curse so that we accept it. In ourselves we really do deserve it but God in His great mercy redeemed us and qualified us to receive the blessing instead of the curse. Sickness and disease no longer belong to us because Jesus took our judgment, took our curse so that we might receive His blessing. Sickness and disease no longer belong to us nor does any of the rest of the curse. What God is waiting for is our stand against the curse or complicity with the curse, accepting it as ours. I am the blessed of God but when any part of the curse comes, I meet it face to face ant tell it to leave now in Jesus name! It has no choice but to go!
I am the blessed and I cannot be cursed and I will not accept the curse either!