

July 5, 2015


        "Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin....

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." (‭John‬ ‭8‬:‭34, 36‬ KJV)

          When we sin we become the slave to sin. This is the bondage that we were born with since we were all born into sin.  Sin killed Adam first spiritually in his relationship with God then over 900 years later in his physical body because he had died spiritually.  Sin does the same thing to us, kill us.  But Jesus came to set us free from the consequences of sin.  When we recieve Jesus we become alive spiritually unto God.  We are to be one with Him even as Jesus is one with the Father because we are in Jesus.  This physical body will die but we are looking forward to a new, resurrection body that can never die.  Jesus came to set us free from the consequences of sin, we no longer have to go to hell and we are restored to the presence and favor of the Father.  

        We first need to believe that Jesus did what He came to do, set us free.  When we believe that we will no longer put up with the lies of satan that we are in bondage because we continue to fall into the same sin time after time.  the way out is to believer in our deliverance by the redemption in Jesus.  Jesus starts thie passage with "Verily, verily..." Jesus is truth  and yet He thought that we humans would have a hard time believing this so he said, "verily, verily" or "truly, truly" or this is the absolute truth that the Son came to set us free from that which destroys us, sin.  

        We have been set free!  We then should to walk in our freedom.  In America there was a civil war that was fought to free the blacks from slavery yet many in their minds still saw themselves as slaves.  This is the problem we have today, we have been set free from the bondage to sin but many still see themselves as still in that bondage.  

        Our freedom is by the power of His life in us, the life of the liberator.  That power liberated Jesus from the grave and from all the sin and sickness and disease from all of the curse of the broken law and it is in us to do the same thing.  

        You must believe that He has set you free just because His word says it then you will see it.  Stay in John 8: 36 until you believe it, until faith comes then you will walk in it.  

Edgar Norris