God's Power is Available


   September 7, 2015


        God's power and ability are at our disposal not because we deserve them or can earn them but because we are in a covenant relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.  Jesus and the Father cut a covenant, Jesus is the Son of Man, our representative in the covenant.  So God's power and ability are available to me today on the basis of His grace towards me.  I must believe this and call on what I need of His provision by faith.  I am not trying this to see if it is true but I am fully convinced that all that God has is mine if I need it.  Along with this all that I have belongs to God when He asks for it.  Those are the terms of the covenant.  The terms of the covenant are revealed in the word of God.  

        All that God is is mine and all that I am is His.  As I recognize the Holy Spirit within me and obey His leading then I become fruitful for God. When I have a need or am attacked by sickness and disease then I can call on the healing power of God and command sickness to go from me.  Or I can call on the provision that God has made for me and see the need met.  

        All that God has is so much greater than all that I have yet my natural human tendency is to be reluctant to let go of what I have when God asks for it.  But He never asks for something unless there is a greater blessing that He has in mind to replace what He has asked me to give up. We must learn to trust in His loving kindness and mercy and in His total desire to do me good.                                                                                                                                             Only God is good and He has only good things for me. 

        “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!”  ‭Matthew‬ ‭7:11‬ ‭NASB‬‬

        Are you totally convinced of God's good intentions towards you and His power to fulfill those intentions?

Edgar Norris