
March 31, 2016


      “Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.”  Acts‬ ‭26:17-18‬ ‭KJV

        Paul is recounting what Jesus told him.  In our salvation Jesus opens our eyes to see the truth, to see reality.  We are so blinded by the enemy that we think that we are all right if we are doing mostly good. We do not realize we are lost.  Jesus turns us from darkness to light.  The darkness is the cruelty, hardness and bitterness of the world that lies to us and tells us that there is not a God of love.  It says that God really does not care about us in fact He is the one punishing us.  This is the darkness.  The light is found in the love of God that gave us His Son to die for us to reunite us back to God. 

        We were delivered from the power of the evil one.  The stories of what men do to each other inspired by the evil one.  But we have been turned to God who loves us and as we look to Him He cares for us.  As we turn to God we see His Sin Sarcifice, Jesus proclaiming His love for us, proclaiming the forgiveness of all our sins if we will accept what He has done for us.

        Satan has no inheritance neither does anyone who has bound himself to Satan. But Jesus is the heir of all things and we are coheirs with Him.  Our Heavenly Father created all things for our pleasure and enjoyment and has given us all things in Christ Jesus. 

        This is repentence, turning to Jesus and stop trying to save yourself.  Jesus will open your eyes and turn you to the light, turn you to the power of God, turn you to our inheritance and the forgiveness of all of our sins.

        This is what the gospel means.  Life eternally in our Father's presence experiencing His love and acceptance. 

Edgar Norris