Our Father's Business

April 30, 2016


        “And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?”  ‭Luke‬ ‭2:49‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        This is how Jesus answered Joseph and Mary after staying behind in Jerusalem at the age of twelve.  This is the perspective that every child of God should have in our sojourn here on earth.  Our business is to do the Father's business.  We are not here for our own advancement or pleasure but to do the Father's work that He has appointed for us to do. This requires that we stay in contact constantly with our Heavenly Father.  The only work with eternal significance is to the will of the Father.  This takes place in many different venues and places.  As we make our business to do the Father's business then the provision of the Father will be at our disposal.  The Father will clear the path for us as we just obey Him.  The journey may be rough but His strength will be our strength.       

        As we take time to know the voice of the Father then we can be confident in His directions no matter how strange or difficult they seem to be. God knows our frame, that we are but dust and He will provided times of fun and enjoyment to refresh us. 

        We then must choose to see all of life through the lense of doing the will of the Father.  Life is not about us, it is about God and His great love for us.

        I must be about my Father's business!

Edgar Norris