Chosen of God

 May 7, 2016


        “And the people stood by, looking on. And even the rulers were sneering at Him, saying, "He saved others; let Him save Himself if this is the Christ of God, His Chosen One."”

Luke‬ ‭23:35‬ ‭NASB‬‬

      Jesus was and is the Christ of God! Jesus was and is the chosen one! Why did not the Father save Him? Because Jesus is the Chosen one but in Jesus God also chose us. Jesus was the one elected from before the foundation of the world to go to hell and He was the one elected from before the foundation of the world to go to heaven. We are elected in Him then for salvation. God the Father chose Jesus to be our redeemer. Our salvation is Jesus and only Jesus! Jesus was not saved from the horrible death on the cross because He totally identified with us in every aspect of our being so we could totally identify with every aspect of His salvation life.  This is not a virtual identification but a total reality.  Jesus really took our sins and took the full punishment for them from the Father on our behalf so that we might in reality receive the total reality of His righteousness and holiness.  He became our death that we might become His life.  Jesus said that he who believes on me has eternal life, the life that is totally pleasing to the Father. 

        In Jesus the Father chose us that according to the law, the full penalty of violating that law might be paid so we would be totally acquitted of any wrong doing and our offensive nature would be born again from the dead into a nature that is the life, nature and character of God. 

        The rulers thought from a selfish perspective of Jesus saving only Himself but God thought from a love perspective that is always looking to bless others and help others.

This is the love of God towards you.

Edgar Norris