Jesus our Righteousness

June 10, 2016


        “But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, so that, just as it is written, "LET HIM WHO BOASTS, BOAST IN THE LORD."”  ‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1:30-31‬ ‭NASB‬‬

        Jesus is our righteousness.  He is our right standing before the Father.  Many times we think that we have done everything perfect to be accepted by God but we have blind spots.  Thank God that our perfection is in Jesus who has been tired in all things and found true and without fault.  He kept the law perfectly and totally and where we could not and cannot keep the law in our own strength, He gave us His standing before the Father and more than that Gesus gave us the spirit of perfection, the overcoming spirit of the resurrection.  That is who we were recreated with so that is now our nature, righteous and overcoming every frailty, and weakness, overcoming every sin that would so easily beset us.  Our victory comes from looking intently at this perfection, Jesus.  The more we look at Him the more we see that He has made us just like Him, the more the lies of the devil are stripped away and sin truly no longer has a hold on us.  The major lie of the devil is that God really does not love us but at best tolerates us.  I like what Max Lucado says, that if God had a refrigator, He would have your picture on it.  Oh how He loves you and me.  We are the joy of His smile not based on what we do but on what Jesus did and the more we understand this and walk in it the more we turn to God and receive of His wholeness.  This is the cry of our hearts and the only place that this can be had is in His presence.  In restoring righteousness, He restored total and full fellowship with Him so all that is left for us is to praise Him for His goodness and lovingkindness towards us.  Our boast is truly  in the Lord and totally in the Lord for He has accomplished our all our wors for us. 

Edgar Norris