Tender Heart

 July 21, 2016


      A tender heart.  In any relationship we must keep a tender heart towards each other if we are to have a true relationship. A part of a tender heart is transparency.  A tender heart is walk in honesty. Transparency is when we do something wrong we are quick to admit it and ask forgiveness.  When we sin against God we need to be quick to admit it and ask forgiveness.  We are already forgiven in Christ but our admitting where we sinned is necessary for us to accept that forgiveness.  If we do not think we have done anything wrong we will not think that we need to be forgiven.  Keeping our hearts right before God is necessary to hear from Him clearly.  It is not that He will not speak to us but we will have so much other noise in our minds we have a hard time hearing. 

        When we make hearing from God our priority, and keep our hearts tender by coming into His presence often and walking in obedience to God then God will draw near to us. A tender heart cries out against injustice and unrighteousness that destroys men and women's lives. We realize that one of our most precious possessions is a tender heart.  Without the new birth, Job skewed evil and God commended him for it.

        “And Paul, earnestly beholding the council, said, Men and brethren, I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day.” ‭Acts‬ ‭23:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        Our heart cries out for intimacy, an intimacy that can only be fulfilled by intimacy with our creator. Our heart remains tender as stay transparent before God. The voice of our heart is our conscience. It is through our heart that God speaks to us. 

Edgar Norris