Kings Voice
November 14, 2015
Jesus is refered to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Who is the king that He is King over? It is the believer who is the king. Do you see yourself as a king?
“Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?” Ecclesiastes 8:4 KJV
Our words carry power in the spiritual realm which is where all our trouble comes from and also all of our help when we speak as a king not as a peasant. We are to rule and reign in our lives and our circumstances. Many times we are asking God to do something that He has given us the authority to do. Jesus gave the disciples the authority to cast out devils and they exercised that authority successfully as long as they believed that they had that authority. When Jesus, James, John and Peter came down from the mount where Jesus was transfigured, the disciples that He had left there could not cast the demon out of a boy because they stopped believing that they could. Jesus rebuked them and cast the demon out.
When we ask God to run demons off we will not get any results becasue God has already done all that He is going to do about the devil until the day that God throws the devil into the lake of fire. Jesus defeated the devil on our behalf and then gave us the authority to cast him out of people who want to be free and to run the devil off from our lives. We have been made kings and priest and our words carry power.
“For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)”
Romans 5:17 KJV
Here we see that we have the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. That means that not only are we kings under the King of kings but also that God backs up our kingship and our kingly authority.
Speak to the demonic forces attacking your finances, your health, your peace, your family and tell them to go using your kingly authority. Do not be meek and mild but strong and with the expectation that they cannot stay around when you speak becasue you are a king and your words carry authority.