True Sons

 November 15, 2015


        One of the most important issue in our Christianity is our identity.  We are new creations in Chirst Jesus.  As new creations we were recreated, born again from the dead, as sons of God.  Many times in church we will acknowledge that we are sons of God but then put our western interpretation on the spirit of adoption.  We have received the spirit of adoption by which we cry out abba Father.  Romans 8:15.  We look at this scripture and think, Oh we were adopted, we are not natural born sons.  This is an orphan spirit that says that we really do not belong to God and that we are probably living on borrowed time.  Soon God will discover who we really are and give us the boot. 

        But NO! we were born into the family of God, our spirits, the real us, was made just like our Father and Jesus.  We are the holiness and righteousness of God as a gift from Him.  So what is adoption? When we were born again into the family we were born as babies. (see

1 Peter 2:2) The adoption that Paul talks about is better translated as son placement.  We enter into walking as a son as we learn to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit who dwells in our spirit.  Romans 8:14 

          We are then sons of God and we are to act like sons.  We are not adopted orphans that are afraid that any wrong thing that we do will put us out on our ear.  God's work in us is permanent.  We are sons born of our Father, born to be co-workers with Him as His beloved son.  God calls us to maturity which is to walk by the spirit and not by the flesh. 

        “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”  ‭John‬ ‭6:63‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        By the power of the Spirit, put away the ways of the flesh and walk as a son of the Most High God.

Edgar Norris