God's Love

December 17, 2015


        God's love for us is so incredible that we have not even begun to understand the length, the breath, the height and the depth that He will go to for us if we will just trust Him.  We are to be the shining example of His glory and love to the world. This is not something that we can manufacture but it is something that we receive.  The enemy tries to convince us that God really does not love us that much.  But to God we are the apple of His eye.  That is we are the center of His attention for good and not for evil.  This is His attitude for the whole world but the world has to be willing to accept His love for them.  He will not force it on anyone.  Our job, working with the Holy Spirit is to help people to see this love by walking in it and demonstrating it to them.  The Holy Spirit will move in power through this love for the lost and dying. We just have to be willing to boldly obey the Holy Spirit when He show us or nudges us to do something.  This requires us to have an on going, current relationship with the Holy Spirit.  The more intimate that we are with the Holy Spirit, the more we know His love for us and the more we demonstrate His love to a hurting and dying world. 

        One of the greatest tools that God has given us is the ability to speak in tongues.  When we speak in an unknown tongue, Acts 2: 4 says that we are speaking as the Spirit gives us the utterance.  We are speaking the mysteries of God and our spirit is being enlightened.  One thing that you can do to grow spiritually is to speak in tongues, daily.  Then be open to God also giving you the interpretation as He wills so that not only is your spirit built us but your mind is also built up as you understand the will of God for you.  God's desire is that you have a revelation of His love for you.  He will reveal it to you, His Spirit talking to your spirit. Our hearts cry out for this no condemning love that knows all about us and accepts us anyway.  The reason His love in unconditional is that as we walk in that love it wll transform us in ways that we could not transform ourselves. Every drop of blood that He shed was His love flowing to us and through us to those around us.  Be enraptured by His love for you today.

Edgar Norris