Our Sins He Bore

 December 23, 2015


        “who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness— by whose stripes you were healed.”  ‭I Peter‬ ‭2:24‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

        This is talking about the passion of Christ.  In His passion He bore our sins in His body when He died that horrible death on the cross.  If Jesus bore our sins then He bore the punishment for our sins. Jesus never committed any sin Himself, so He bore our sins and received from the Father the full judgement for our misdeeds.  So that there is no longer any punishment due us for our sins.  There are negative temporal results of our sins. Sin has a derogatory effect on your body and your soul.  Any doctor will tell you that if you hold unforgiveness all your life you will have very painful results in your body. It is expedient for us to stay away from sin.  Even if we do sin we are forgiven and if we seek God He will show us away to disentangle from the snare of the sin. 

        But Jesus bearing our sins in His body has set us free from the condemnation and guilt.  When Jesus bore our sins and died under the penalty of them, He then overcame the sin and rose victoriously. When He rose we also rose with Him, he rose righteous as He went into the presence of the Father.  We also rose righteous with Him. We rose with His new life.  We ere made new creations.  That righteous life with in us is to be the energizing factor with in us.  Righteousness is the path of life.  We were made the righteousness of God. We have an open door to the Father to go boldly into His presence to receive whatever we need. With sin removed then all the results of sin no longer belong to us.          By His stripes we were healed.  Sin is no longer yours!  Healing is yours! Even when you sin, you are still the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. 

Edgar Norris