May 16, 2015
The Bible must be seen from the view point of a covenant. There are many covenants in the Bible but the basic one starts with the promise to Abraham and the covenant that God cut with Abram in Genesis 15 and then changed his name to Abraham in Genesis 17 and a year later Isaac was born. The covenant of promise that God made with Abraham was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. The sign of the covenant for Abraham was the circumcision of the males. The sign of the covenant in the New Testament is the new birth.
When we see our salvation in the light of the covenant we begin to understand our salvation. A covenant is the exchange of persons. Jesus took all that we were, our sin and separation from God and gave us all that He is, the beloved of the Father, sinless, holy and righteous. He did this not based on our worthiness or merits but on the obedience of Jesus and His mercy. This covenant of love is unchangeable.
The covenant of Moses was based on the peoples ability to keep the covenant which they could not do. God had to deal with them and sent them into exile and bondage because they continually broke the covenant. The new covenant is between our human representative, Jesus and the Father and neither one will break it. When we are born again we are born again into Jesus. He is in us and we are in Him so we are in the covenant because we are in Him. Our actions do not change this but the more we realize and walk in Him the more it transforms us.
In this covenant we have everything that we need. We believe it by faith and receive it including the defeat of satan in our lives. When we plead the blood of Jesus against a demonic situation we are appealing to the covenant and God has obligated Himself to come to our rescue and answer.
Believe in the covenant. Rely upon the covenant with our Father, His agreement to be your God.