Meaning to Life


May 28, 2015


          Our flesh is not evil.  The problem is when we make our flesh the source and meaning of our existence.  Malcolm Smith: The Power of the Blood Covenant.

          Without God people are trying to discover why they are here. They seek fame to try to be significant but their significance is temporal. Solomon said in the book of Ecclesiastes what ever a wise man does, when he dies he does not know if a fool will take his place and destroy everything the wise man did. 

           People in the flesh try to center their being on the flesh always come up bankrupt. Our flesh was never meant to be the source of our completeness, our joy, our fulfillment. Even Christians who have been taught wrong look to their own self efforts for acceptance with God. Our completeness, our fulfillment is in God alone.  We are to be consumed by His love for us. Therein is our healing from the indignity, the shame, the sense of abandonment, the pain that the enemy has perpetrated upon us. Our meaning of existence is His love for us. We are the crown of God's creation. We were created in Their image and in Their likeness to be able to fellowship with God. God then is the source of our existence. God created us to be His friends not out of a need, He is totally complete in Himself, but out of love. 

          Stop looking to other people for security and fulfillment and satisfaction. God our Father has fully accepted you with no qualms. He wants you to sink deep into the luxurious pool of His love for you and never come out. There will be trials and tribulations outside but as we stay focused on His love surrounding you, you will not be touched. 

          "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. you When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory." (Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭1-4‬ KJV)

Edgar Norris