Knowing God
In our prayers our first objective is to know God. This is not knowing more about God but knowing God. Smith Wigglesworth said that fellowship with God is the mother of faith.
"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos 3:3 KJV)
The more we are in agreement and harmony with God the more intimately we will know Him. In the new birthHe has given us His nature in our spirit. But our souls must be transformed by His Spirit and His word. This happens as we act on the gift of righteousness that He has given us and boldly come into His presence to behold His glory. As we do He will transform us as we mix faith with what we experience. Israel saw His miracles but did not mix faith with what they saw and so were left unchanged. That is they continuously refused to believe in God's love for them. The disciples saw the miracles of the feeding of the five thousand men plus women and children with five loaves of bread and two fish, every one was satisfied and twelve baskets were taken up. The feeding of the four thousand men plus women and children with seven loaves and a few fish. Everyone was full and seven baskets were left over. But the disciples did not gain any spiritual insight about God and His love for them. So when Jesus says to be aware of the the leaven Pharisees and the Sadducees the disciples thought that He was talking about the lunch that they forgot, the miracles had not changed them and had not given them any insight into God's nature, God's character. They had no greater understanding of God's love for them.
When we know the Father like Jesus knows Him then we will do the works of Jesus. When we are confident of His love for us then no fear can grip our heart, no sin can bind us and no miracle is impossible. Jesus opened the way we just need to believe in what He did and walk like it is true.