

May 31, 2015


          Are you saved? Usually when we ask this question we mean, "Do you think you are going to heaven." But Jesus came to save people from their sins.

          "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." (‭Matthew‬ ‭1‬:‭21‬ KJV) 

          Sin is at enmity with God. Say this, Sin is at emnity with God! He abhors it! Why? Because it is contrary to the fundamental principe of the universe, love, and because it, sin, will destroy you. Satan created sin to steal, kill and destroy.  If you are trapped in sin or even think that you are just playing with sin, it has already trapped you, it will destroy you. Jesus came to liberate us from sin so that we could walk with God, so that we      would walk in love, the God kind of love. We are servants of whom we obey, sin or love. Jesus forgave us so that we would be reconciled to the Father and so that we can walk in forgiveness and be set free from the past pain.

          Jesus saved us from the consequences of sin by His death and from the power of sin by His resurrection life in us, that new creation that we have become. His resurrection life has overcome all sin and all the effects of the curse that was caused by sin.  Jesus overcame all that Adam allowed into the earth and He did it all for us    Jesus set us free, are you walking in that freedom?

Edgar Norris