Acting on What You Believe


May 30, 2015


          James 2: 15-26, James talks about faith without works is dead, faith being alone.    This wording leads to much misunderstanding. A better way to say it is, faith without corresponding action is dead. The corresponding action infuses your faith with life, makes it come alive. If you say you are saved, that is born again there should be an outward manifestation in our lives. An outward evidence of an inward life. If you pray and believe you are healed then you should act healed as much as you can, do what you could not do before not to get healed but because you are already healed. Christians who are sick pray and ask for healing then die waiting for the healing to manifest instead of acting like their prayer was already answered. Faith says I have my answer, based on the word of God, and I will act like I have my answer even if my circumstances and feelings say it is not true. Too often we pray and wait for God to move instead of acting like we have what we have asked. 

          This corresponding action should include an abundance of praise and thanksgiving to God that we have our answer without having seen the answer in the natural. Once again we are not trying to get our answer but because we have our answer already though we do not yet see it. 

          The world says that seeing is believing but faith says that in believing we will see the result of our faith. You are acting on what you believe which may not correspond with what you say you believe. 

          "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." (Mark‬ ‭11‬:‭24‬ KJV)

Edgar Norris