Love God


June 2, 2015


        The Jehovah's Witnesses are known for going door to door and agressively witnessing. Many Christians feel guilty because they are not as agressive in their witnessing.  God wants us to operate out of love not out of duty and guilt.  Then Jehovah's Witnesses are trying to work to be pleasing to God.  They are doing it out of a works righteousness to be accepted by God.  They do not know that no matter how good they do and how perfectly they keep the law it is black compared to God's righteousness and what He will accept, perfection.  

        There are Christians that are trying to do the same thing. They believe that they are saved by grace but they must keep it by right behavior.  So they are trying to be pleasing to God through correct behavior, praying, reading their Bible, witnessing, living upright lifestyle.  We can not please God through our efforts.  We please God because we are in Jesus and He pours His unconditional love on us.  From this love and acceptance we produce right behavior. Our behavior is the fruit of our right relationship with God.  If we are not producing the right fruit then we and not connecting with our root, Jesus.  His love for us begets love in us for God and those we come in contact around us.  God wants us to tell others about Him becasue we are so excited  about His love for us.  

        God's love flows out of Him and is not based on the object of His love being worthy but because He is love.  He loves us regardless of how much of a mess we have made of our lives.  In His love, He does not want us to make a mess out of our lives but to live in His peace, joy and love.  There are consequenses to what we do. If we jump off a 2 story building we will probably hurt ourselves especially if we do not know how to land.  If we violate moral and spiritual laws there are temporal consequences that would be very painful.  Love, God's love for us is the motivation for all that we are to do.  Drink deeply of God's love for you daily or multiple times a day as is needed.  He is passionate for you that He sent Jesus to die for you to restore you to His love.  

Edgar Norris