June 3, 2015
"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus." (Acts 4:13 KJV)
The rulers and elders had taken Peter and John into custody because of the miracle of the lame man being healed and the claim tha Jesus was alive. One thing was obvious to the elders and rulers and that was the boldness of Peter and John. They were not afraid of the rulers and elders as the people had been before the crucifixion. Peter and John spoke boldly about Jesus. After the crucifixion and before Jesus' resurrection appearances to the disciples they were hiding in the upper room in fear of the rulers and elders. What made the difference? They had been with Jesus before the crucifixion but after the resurrection they had been born again.
"The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion." (Proverbs 28:1 KJV)
They had been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus by the new birth, and they knew it. Many good Christians are uncertain of their standings with God and so they are timid and fearful. But when you know that you are the righteousness of God not by your own doing but exclusively by what Jesus did for you then you will be bold as a lion to tell others about the love of God that He has demonstrated to you. This knowledge comes as we act on that righteousness and spend time in His presence. When we fail to spend time in His presence then the enemy will begin to erode away our knowledge of who we are and steal our boldness. Do you know that you are righteous before God by the blood of Jesus? That means that you stand before the Creator of the universe, the Holy and righteous one with no guilt, shame inferiority, failure, no sin. You stand clean before Him by the blood of Jesus. Check your boldness and it will be an indication of how much you believe in the gift of righteousness that God has given you. Start acting like you are righteous becasue that is what you are.