Doing Our Best for God


June 15, 2015


        God gave His very best for us and some think that we need to give our very best to Him, butour very best is not good enough.  God wants to live His very best through us if we will just yield to Him.  Salvation is impossible with man but what is impossible with man is possible with God.  If we do not press to the limits of possibility and step over into the realm of impossibility we will never see God move.  When we act in only the area of possibility then we take all the credit for what happens and God gets no glory.  When we believe God for the impossible, based on His word, then we will see God move and do the impossible.  We get no credit and God gets all the glory.  

        Our best is in the realm of possiblility. God's perfection that He requires is in the realm of impossibility.  We stop looking to ourselves, our gifts and talents, our abilities and look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, then we will see the impossible change our lives and bring Him glory and we get no credit. 

        Instead of giving God our very best we need to give up and allow Him to manifest through us.  The first step in giving up is choosing to act on our righteousness and come  into His presence to just fellowship with Him, to revel in His love for us adn to stand in wonder and awe at His majesty.  Then we will be recharged with His love for us and the world.  We can live only a few minutes without oxygen but we can live even less time without His love.  Take time daily to appreciate the best that He gave for us in the Lord Jesus and understand the manifestation of His love for us in Jesus and you will be transformed continuously by that love to do His will by the power of His love. The best that we can give is to receive His gift of salvation and continuously bath in His love.

        "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him." (‭Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭8-9‬ KJV)

Edgar Norris