

June 14, 2015


        A community can come into unity because of a common goal or enemy. A natural family can be in unity based on relationship of a common ancestor.  But the body of believers should far surpass the unity that any of these groups have.  We have a common goal and a common enemy.  The enemy is satan and the goal is to take the Gospel to the world.  Our common ancestor is Jesus and our Father God.  We are one in the spirit with them and then with each other.  Our Father is love and we were born of that Love.  If a child is born and raised in an atmosphere of love then they learn how to love and respect each other.  

        "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him." (‭1 John‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬ KJV)

        In our local church meetings we practice our love relationship.  Anyone can love someones that loves themBut it takes the love of God to love the unloveable.  Instead of our words that criticize, tear down and gossip, we choose words that encourage, bless and build each other up. When we criticize each other and judge each other we  are criticizing Jesus.  He is the head over the body of which we are a part.  We cannot be a Christian by ourselves.  We may go to heaven but we will not reach the place of maturity that our Father has for us.  

        God has called us to step out of ourselves to first fellowship with God and from that fellowship to serve each other.  We are the body of Christ and when we walk in unity, satan cannot defeat us.

        Encourage other Christians to be in church to take their place in the body of Christ. 

Edgar Norris