Bear Each Others Burdens.


July 23, 2015


        Some people are going through such hard times that they are ready to give up.  They are Christians and trying to believe but the enemy is hitting them with all he has.  But we are not called to stand alone, just us and Jesus.  We are a part of a body and together we stand much stronger than alone.  We have the victory in Jesus but the enemy tries to wear us down so we will give up in doubt and frustration.  When someone is going through a trial they sometimes need a Bible verse but usually they need someone who  says that they are praying for them and will do some serious praying and believing.  They got your back in standing in faith for the victory.  As you intercede for a brother or sister then you are not tempted to worry about their situation.  As you pray through to victory for them you take the pressure off of them with which the enemy is trying to defeat them.  

        God called us as a body, and we keep our victory as we walk as a body, all for one and one for all.  When one person hurts we all hurt.  When one person is going through a trial then we are all being challenged.  We first learn to stand by ourselves so that we can learn to be interdependent with each other.  When we see the weakness of our brother we do not repremand or criticize or gossip about him but pray for him and if the Holy Spirit gives us something to say we then say it.  

        We succeed when the whole body succeeds.  When one part of the body fails or falls into sin then the whole body hurts.  Our desire is to have a healthy body not to pick at a place that is wounded and make it worse.

        "“Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.”  

‭Galatians‬ ‭6:1-2‬ ‭NASB‬‬

Edgar Norris