

August 10, 2015


                When God created the heavens and the earth and all that dwell in it, He rested on the seventh day signifying that His work was complete.  When Adam and Eve sinned God did not say they messed up everything that I did.  No He kept faith in His word that He had created man in His image.  Jesus was crucified from the foundation of the earth in the mind of the Father.  God wants us to understand that our salvation is a finished work.  We are to rest in that finished work and quit trying to add to it or think that our sin can take away from it.  We are the forgiven.

        “For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1:13-14‬ ‭NASB‬‬

        God calls us to rest in His love and begin to experience the vastness of His love for us.  His love for us is unmeasurable but that should not stop us from experiencing it.  People seek fulfillment from the things of the world. They want to be thought of as "cool".  But only God truly understands and appreciates your uniqueness because He made you that way.  

        Our problem is that we cannot preceive God with our physical senses nor with our emotions and those are the two areas that we spend most of our time in if not all of our time.  God is a spirit and can only be experienced by our spirit.  Before receiving Christ you were in a different real than God and could not understand the things of God because you were spiritually dead.  But God made us alive unto Him in Jesus and brought our spirit into right standing with the Father.  The same standing the Jesus has.  So we can once again understand spiritual things.  

        We are then to rest and have confidence in His love for us and in the finished work of Jesus on our behalf.  

Edgar Norris