September 14, 2015
“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” Jude 1:24-25 KJV
Jesus is able to keep us from falling in every situation. Sometimes it seems that nothing can keep us from falling but that is because we keep trying with our own strength to walk perfect and we continually fail. Jude here says that it is Jesus that can keep us. We must realiqe that it is Jesus in us, in our born again spirits that can keep us by His power and authority that He displayed when He died for all our sins and conquered them and rose from the dead by the Holy Spirit. That is the power that is in us that will give us the victory as we expectantly and confidently look to His indwelling presence in us.
He presents us faultless before the Father God by the virtue of His blood which paid for our sins. He bore our faults in His death so every sin is already paid for by Jesus. He does not grudgingly do this but with great joy. The same joy that He took in forgiving us. It is through His wisdom and through His work alone so that only He receives all glory, majesty, dominion and power. Satan's mistake was to desire to take some of the Fathers glory, power and dominion. We can only reflect that glory, we will never be the origin of that glory.
Rest in that Jesus said that He would keep us and present us faultless before the Father and His glory. He does not mention our strength or effort in this act. It is not based on your imperfect strength or desire but His ability and desire.