January 13, 2016
“"For what I fear comes upon me, And what I dread befalls me." Job 3:25 NASB
Fear is an open door for the devil to come and do what you fear. Fear is a manifestation of our lack of belief in the love of God for us. The root of doubt is fear. Fear is sin. Fear comes out of a sense of unworthiness and us standing before a righteous God in our unworthy condition. The more we feed upon God's word until it becomes a part of us and the more we spend time in the glory of His presence the more fear leaves us so that we have confidence in every situation. When we fear that we have displeased God so some sort of judgement will fall upon us then Satan takes advantage of our fear and brings what we have feared would happen.
When we fall into sickness or disease we fear that we are not good enough for God to answer and heal us. When lack strikes us we fear that we are left to our own wits to make ends meet and we put ourselves into the bondage of borrowing what it turns out we cannot pay back. All because we have doubted our Father's great love for us.
What is the solution to fear? It is to feed upon the word of God about His wonderful love for us and the provision that He has made for us. As you feed upon His word by meditating upon it, hope, the confident expectation of good, rises up and overtakes fear and faith rises up and puts substance to the hope. You then experience the manifestation of the love of God.
If you try to deal with fear in the natural, physical realm you will only deal with the symptoms and not the root. Eventually the root will produce the symptoms again until the results of fear come to fruition. Allow the word of God to give you the victory.