Deceiver or Prince?

January 16, 2016


Do you see yourself as a Jacob or an Israel? A cheater or a prince who has power with God?How you see yourself will determine how you act.  Jacob, deceiver or cheater,  cheated his brother and father and was cheated by his uncle numerous times.  He was named cheater at his birth because he was second born and held his brother's heal as he was born. He lived the life of a deceiver until he was on the way home after twenty years with his uncle.  The night before he is to meet his brother on the way, he wrestles with the angel of God and prevails until sunrise.  The angel asks him to let him go but Jacob says, not until you bless me.  The angel changes Jacob's name from Jacob, deceiver, to Israel, prince with God. When he began to see himself as a prince with God, he began to act the part.

        How do you see yourself? As a sinner or as a new creation, a son of God? If you see yourself as a sinner then you will act like a sinner and never walk in victory.  What you believe will determine what you call yourself and how you act. As a sinner you try to do your own thing as a new creation, Jesus is your Lord. 

        Are you playing the part of the deceiver or the prince with God?

Edgar Norris