Right Thinking
January 24, 2016
If our thinking is straight then our believing will be right. If our believing is right then our life will be right and walking in the full blessing of the Lord. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. These forces try to influence our thinking. The only way that they can defeat us is by convincing us that we are the victim and not the victor. They try to tell us that we are not worthy of God's love or anyone's love for that matter. But when we know that we know who we are and that our Father loves us with an everlasting love. When we know that our elder brother died in our place to give us His right standing with the Father and in the process of His death, burial, resurrection and seating at the right hand of the Father, He defeated once and for all our enemy, Satan and all his league of angels and demons. In Jesus' victory is our victory over Satan, death and hell. If you do not know this then Satan will sneak in on you and convince you that he really is not defeated.
How do we keep our thinking straight? By keeping our eyes on Jesus through our praise and worship of Him. Reading the word of God is all about seeing Jesus and when you see Him you see yourself reflected back at you because as He is so are we in this world. You must be intentional and proactive about building in you heart that our Father God is head over heals in love with you, even when you miss it and sin. God does not endorse our sin, it grieves Him and He wants to show you how to get out of it. He broke the seal of sin and death and sealed us with His Holy Spirit who will never leave us nor forsake us. He has delivered us from the kingdom of darkness, not just a part of it but all of it. This is our victory, even our faith.