Earnestly Desire the Gifts
January 27, 2016
As Christians we have the privilege of living a supernatural life. As spirit beings who have been made right with our Father we are to walk in the supernatural even as Jesus walked in the supernatural. Jesus' supernatural walk was a walk of faith in His Father. His greatest desire, His only desire was to do the will of His Father. This is to be our desire. Our Father wants us to walk in the supernatural and be the channel for His gifts to a hurting and dying world. The world does not know to receive His blessings by faith so they must be ministered to through the gifts of grace. These gifts are listed in 1 Corinthians 12. We as the body of Christ are to use our faith to receive all that our Father has provided for us through the passion of Jesus. So it is by faith we are to believe to be used by the Father to minister to the world.
“But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.”
1 Corinthians 12:31 KJV
“Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy.”
1 Corinthians 14:1 KJV
Here Paul tells us twice in a short space that we are to earnestly desire these spiritual gifts. We are to desire these gifting a not just for ourselves but for the whole church. We are to pray earnestly for a greater manifestation of these gifts through out the body. If we do not earnestly seek these gifts to be in manifestation then we will not see them. These are some of the main tools that God has given the body of Christ to reach the world. When Jesus sent out His twelve and then His seventy He told them that they had the authority to use some of these gifts and they did. When they healed the sick, cast out demons, cleansed the leper and raised the dead they were demonstrating the kingdom of God to a spiritually dead people that they might see the goodness of God and believe. We have a greater anointing to do the work set before us and it also is to be accompanied with signs and wonders. Let us earnestly ask God for these gifts to be restored to the body of Chris.