The Door is Open
October 12, 2016
The door was opened. The captives were freed but they had to walk through the open door. Some thought that life in the filth and bondage was exciting and better than the freedom they had been granted. Their captors were powerless except to lie to them that their rancid food and filth was better than the outside beauty. They were so use to the stench of living in their own waste that they were afraid of the pure, sweet, fresh air. Those who had the sense to leave their prison were begging the others to follow. The bondage and cruelty within the cells was still present. But what kept them there was the lies that they were not worthy of the great love of their liberator. That love that they so longed for, that they so yearned for. That love that they had tried to imitate in so many different ways yet to no avail.
It is by the work of God that we receive the faith to leave the degradation of the world and walk into the light of our Father's perfect love. It is by faith in His great love for us that we reach out and return the embrace of His love and find true fulfillment and acceptance. It is by the knowledge of God and His love for us that we leave our prison cell and wash ourselves from the filth and the cruelties of our former lord, Satan. For many he defined love as cruelty and hatred. We who are free must redefine it for them in the light of the knowledge of our Father's love. Drink deeply of His grace and peace continuously so you will have the Father's love to give to a hurting and dying world. He opened the way through His righteousness. Take His faith that He imparts through His word and step out boldly into the pure, fresh clean air of His presence.
“Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,”
2 Peter 1:1-2 KJV