Diligence Rules

February 16, 2016


        “The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.”

‭Proverbs‬ ‭12:24‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        To walk in the things of God we cannot be lazy.  If we are waiting for God to do something then usually nothing will happen.  To activate our faith we must act like what we have asked for is granted.  When we are diligent to act on God's word we will never be disappointed when we are acting because we believe we have what it says.  If we are acting to see if something will happen then we are liable to fall flat on our face.  It is believing the word of God and speaking it in truth and acting like it is true that brings results, gives us the rule.

        Many times when we are fighting sickness and disease in our bodies it is difficult to go against the pain and weakness in our bodies to act on the word.  But our faith is demonstrated in how we act.  The healing is already ours but it will never manifest in our bodies until we believe that we have received the healing we ask for and speak like the healing is ours because we believe it.  Many have just tried speaking like the healing is theirs even when they did not believe it and they never received.  It is believing with the heart and speaking what you believe in your hearts, not allowing your head full of doubt to override your heart.  Then acting like what you believe is true inspite of contradictory circumstances.  This takes diligence but it is the diligence in the fight to believe that produces results.  When standing in faith for what you ask for many times it looks like nothing in happening.  I always ask for wisdom and normally God tells me just keep standing.  Then all of a sudden the answer comes.  Without the diligence to stand I would not receive what I am believing for. 

        The slothful or slack hand shall be under tribute or put to forced labor. When you do not receive your needs met because you have been lazy you are put under the forced labor of the enemy.

        Be diligent to act on the word of God.

Edgar Norris