Bless the Lord

March 17, 2016


        “Bless the LORD, O my soul, And all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits;” ‭Psalms‬ ‭103:1-2‬ ‭NASB‬‬

        In the first two verses of this Psalm of David, he tells his soul to bless the Lord.  When we truly believe what God has done in salvation we will continually be blessing the Lord.  Jesus did a finished work, and then sat down at the right hand of the Father showing that He had finished all that was necessary for our salvation.  Jesus entered nto rest and so should we enter into rest, it is finished and we cannot add to the salvation nor take away from it, God did it all.  As we bless the Lord we are demonstrating that we really believe what God has done. 

        David also says that we are not to forget any of the benefits of this great salvation.  We need to list these benefits and give praise for them. We need to meditate on the benefits until we are walking in the provision that God has made because there is an enemy who tries to get to doubt God's goodness

        If it was -25 and you could not pay your rent and the landlord was about to kick you out in the cold and another came and paid your rent for as long as you lived there, you would be thanking that person who paid your rent, every time you saw them.  God's salvation is much greater than that.  He has delivered us from eternal punishment and the dominion of the evil one.  So when we believe that we live a life of praise and thanksgiving to God for what He has done not out or duty but out of a truly thankful heart because we believe what God has done for us.  Usually the reason for un thankfulness is that we really do not believe that we were that bad and needed that much of God's salvation.  But we were in that much need of salvation but God has redeemed us and made us His own.  Let us give thanks continually unto His name.

Edgar Norris