Flee Idolatry

March 23, 2016


        “Our fathers were unwilling to be obedient to him, but repudiated him and in their hearts turned back to Egypt, SAYING TO AARON, 'MAKE FOR US GODS WHO WILL GO BEFORE US; FOR THIS MOSES WHO LED US OUT OF THE LAND OF EGYPT - WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM.' At that time they made a calf and brought a sacrifice to the idol, and were rejoicing in the works of their hands.”  ‭Acts‬ ‭7:39-41‬ ‭NASB‬‬

        The children of Israel had not trusted God and in their hearts turned back to Egypt, to the cruel bondage and slavery they had just left. God had demonstrated His love and power available on their behalf but they had refused to be informed by the miracles.  When Moses was not present for forty days, they rebelled against God. They took the blessing of God, the gold that they had left Egypt with and had Aaron make a golden calf for them to worship.  They were rejoicing in the work of their hands. This is the essence of all religion, the work of our hands.  But no human being can save themselves and cannot add anything to their salvation but our flesh wants to take some credit for getting right with the creator.  Our human pride wants to worship the work of our hands and yet the work of our hands is corrupt.  We take the blessings of God and make idols out of them and worship the idols.  God has fulfilled everything necessary for my salvation.  Jesus did a finished work, a complete work because we could not do any of it but He did it all for us. 

        He gave us a change of heart, a heart like unto His, do not go back to the cold stone heart you use to have before you were born again.  Israel did not enter the promised land because of their unbelief.  Our unbelief will keep us from walking in the promises of God that He has already put to our account.  Do not take God's blessings and make them idols. 

Edgar Norris