Angelic Ministries
March 26, 2016
Few of understand the importance of our words. Our words are an experssion of what we truly believe. When we speak what is in our hearts we either open the door to the evil one or we commission God's agents.
“Bless the LORD, you His angels, Mighty in strength, who perform His word, Obeying the voice of His word!” Psalms 103:20 NASB
God has ordained that nothing on the earth can happen without a human speaking it. Satan uses ungodly men to do his bidding and to open the door to his tactics. But God has a host of angels that do His bidding. When we speak God's word on a matter we commission a company of angels to bring it to pass. If we speak in doubt we will bind the angels and keep them from helping us. Here in the psalms it says that the angels are mighty in strength to do the will of God performing His word. We have been given the privilege of speaking God's word in faith. When a parrot repeats words there is faith, no understanding and no authority in what he says. He is just repeating the sounds that he heard. But when a human speaks the word with faith then things begin happening in the spirit realm either positive or negative.
When you speak you either commission good angels to do good for you and others or you bind the good angels and open the door for evil spirits to bring destruction and evil to pass.
When we pray we are to find out God's will adn to speak it expecting the angelic host to rush to perform His word. Some things the Bible reveal His will, to save, to heal, to deliver from danger, we just need to know what word God will use to bring it to pass and then participate by speaking it in faith.
“Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?”
Hebrews 1:14 KJV