Greater Than The Prophets
April 4, 2016
We look at the mighty men of the Old Testament and see their mighty works and are amazed at what they did. Joshua commanded the sun and the moon to stand still for about a day and they did while he took vengeance on the enemies of the Lord. Ellijah called fire down from heaven which consumed his sacrifice, the altar of stone and the water that surrounded the altar, then he called for rain to end a three and a half year drought. Moses brought mighty signs and wonders to bring judgement against the god's of Egypt and to liberate the children of Israel. David fought mighty battles with very few casualties all by the hand of the Lord. But Jesus makes this statement:
“Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist! Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”
Matthew 11:11 NASB
Our status before God is greater than any Old Testament figure. This is because the Old Testament people were still in their sins. They had a forgiveness looking forward to the cross of Jesus but the forgiveness was only accredited to their account, the root of sin was not dealt with. In the New Testament, on the cross Jesus dealt with the root of sin by becoming sin for us and dying in our place. When He was raised from the dead it was because He had paid the full price for us. He was raised righteous and so were we. Of course we must accept what He did but when we do we are made new creations with the righteousness of God. Our standing before the Father is perfect. The Old Testament saints standing before the Father was provisional, it was a temporary solution until the permanent solution could come. We live in the permanent solution.
Since we have a greater standing with the Father because we have eternal life, the life and nature of the Father in us, we have a greater posistion before God and we are to do greater works than the Old Testament saints. Not only this but Jesus stands before the Father as our representative.
John 14:12 Jesus said that greater works than He did shall we do because He has gone to the Father. Rise up and seize your inheritance.