Sons of God
May 23, 2016
Human beings were created in the image and likeness of God, our Father. We were made to carry greatness. We were made to walk hand and hand with God. To walk with God we have to bein agreement with God in our nature and character. In the original creation, Adam was in the perfect image and character of God. But he sinned and lost his unity with God. God had h solution. Jesus came and took our defilement, our sin is that we could receive His perfection, His total unity with the Father. Our spirit man, the real you, then is made in perfect agreement with the Father at the new birth. The transformation of our soul is when we have a revelation of who we are. We are so sense oriented that it takes God to reveal to us the recreation of our spirit so we understand who we are and our new relationship with our Father, as beloved sons, made perfect by our redemption. You must know that you are a son of God, both male and female, to walk as a son.
“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”
Amos 3:3 KJV