The Will of the Father
To pray effectively, you must know God's will. God's will is His word. In the Old Testament we have a shadow of the will of God where as we have a clear picture of God in the Man Christ Jesus. He said if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father. So we see in Jesus a perfect, complete picture of the Father, our Creator. If we see Jesus doing something then we know that is the wil of the Father. If we do not see Jesus doing something then we know that is not the will of the Father. Jesus never failed to heal someone who came to Him asking for healing. So we know it is the will of the Father to heal. We never see Jesus, in the Gospels, refusing to heal anyone who came asking for healing. So we know that it is the will of the Father to heal all who come to Him in faith.
In the Gospels we see Jesus ministering to the needs of people, feeding five thousand men plus women and children with five loaves of bread and two fish. He had twelve baskets left over. Then He turned around and fed four thousand men plus women and children with seven loaves and a few fish and had seven baskets left over. Jesus demonstrated that our God was more than enough to meet the needs of His covenant children. We should expect nothing less because we also are His covenant children with a better covenant based on better promises. Hebrews 8:6.
What are you expecting from God? He fed Israel in the wilderness with manna and quail for forty years do you think that He will do any less for you? God knows that we have needs but He tells us to pray and ask Him to meet those needs, pray in faith expecting Him to move on your behalf. If the answer tarried then wait expectantly believing that God will fulfill His word. Maintain your expectancy through praise.