God's Delight

June 20, 2016


        “Let them shout for joy and rejoice, who favor my vindication; And let them say continually, "The LORD be magnified, Who delights in the prosperity of His servant." And my tongue shall declare Your righteousness And Your praise all day long.” ‭Psalms‬ ‭35:27-28‬ ‭NASB‬‬

        Many Christians and other people believe that God is out to make their lives miserable. Actually is what God calls sin that makes our lives miserable.  There was no misery in the Garden of Eden until Adam sinned.  God is the source of all good and blessing.  There is no, no good outside of Him. So when Adam sinned he turned from God, choosing not to believe in God's goodness and he turned to his own devices which produced death in him and in his family.  This was not God's plan or desire. His plan was for Adam and Eve to walk in God's goodness and blessing. 

        Today we have the same choice as to believe God and believe that He only has the best in mind for us and He kin own the pitfalls of the devil and He will keep us out of his snares.  We must believe that God tells us what is sin for our own good and not a whim from Him.  He made the universe and He knows how it works.  We must choose to believe in God's goodness, lovingkindness and mercy.  Then more you affirm this every day the more you will see the. Results in your life.  You will no longer be subject to the lies of Satan.  As you follow God with all your heart, heart ache and misery will flee away.  God delights in your prosperiety! Do you believe this? Choose this day who you will serve, God or your flesh. Blessings or curse?

Edgar Norris