Lordship of Jesus

June 19, 2016


        Many today are claiming to be Christians but by their actions are denying the reality.  Many that are Christians are struggling with sin and so feel condemned and question the validity of their Christianity.  Chirstianity is not a religious philosophy but a relationship with the Father God and Jesus His son.  It is God imparting His life into the one who receives the sacrifice of Jesus on their behalf and God works a miracle in them and the old man of sin dies and a new man of righteousness is born. At issue is the Lordship of Jesus.

        “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.”  ‭Romans‬ ‭10:9-10‬ ‭NASB‬‬

        Many have bought the lie from Satan that they are their own lord.  But as unbelievers we are under the lordship of Satan and end up doing things that we do not want to do.  In salvation we change lordships from our enemy Satan to Jesus.  If you do not recognize this and are unwilling to submit to the Lordship of Jesus then you are still operating under the lordship of Satan. The Lordship of Jesus is the Lordship of love, mercy, forgiveness and blessing.  The lordship of Satan is the lordship of cruelty, meanness, merciless, and total selfishness on behalf to the lord, Satan.  So it is highly desireable to be under the Lordship of Jesus. 

        You can be born again and still to do your own thing, trying to be your own lord but in reality even though you are under the Lordship of Jesus you are not receiving the benefits of that Lordship.  You must walk in it by faith, not as a duty but as a privilege.  Just like in Christ all are healed but not all will walk in that healing.  All are set free from sin in Christ but not all will walk in that realm of reality because it is all by faith in the finished work of Jesus.  To walk under His Lordship is to walk healed, liberated, and blessed in every way but it is a walk of faith.  God has already provided everything that we need for life in godliness for us but we receive it by faith as we get to know Him through fellowship with Him.

Edgar Norris