Identity in Spiritual Warfare
June 25, 2016
“But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:”. 1 Corinthians 1:30 KJV
One of the most important aspects of our fight against Satan is our identity, knowing who we are in Christ. When we know the standard then we know what does not measure up to who we are and take authority against it rather than just accepting the thoughts as our own just because they came into our head.
Jesus is our righteousness. This is not only posistional but also in real day to day life. When we were born again we received His life in us which is His righteousness. When we know this, any unrighteous thoughts we can tag as not ours and caste them out, replacing the thought with the word that declares who we are, righteous.
Jesus was made unto us holiness or sanctification. The more we see ourselves as holy because of what Jesus did and gave to us, the more we will walk holy before God and the more the unholy thoughts we will discard as from the enemy and not from the true self. We are a spirit and we have a soul and live in a body. Our spirit is born again, holy and righteous and redeemed with the mind of Christ. We are not a body. We live in a body and we have a soul but we are not our mind, will and emotions. So as we focus on who we are we will reject everything contrary to the truth of who God has made us in Christ. No matter how we feel, or what we experience, we judge who we are by the Book, the word of God and who God says we are and who God says He is to us, a loving Heavenly Father.
So when fear tries to attack us we laugh and say, God is for me, what can anyone or anything do against me? The victory comes from the word of God in our hearts and us acting on that word. Too often we see a bad situation and think, "O that's normal." So we accept it and nothing changes. Oh it is normal to think those thoughts, nothing changes and we remain in defeat. Who are you in Chirst?
“But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,”. Ephesians 2:4 KJV