Walking by Faith and not by Sight
June 24, 3026
We must be careful not to walk by our five physical senses or our feelings. These have their place in our lives but it is not to guide us. The primary source of our guidance and experience must be the word of God. Many have had visions and want to say that the vision or dream was God because it was supernatural. But how does it line up with the word of God? Many people have religious experiences but they are not in line with God's word. Other religions have supernatural manifestations but that does not necessarily validate them. The magicians in Egypt could duplicate three of the signs that Moses did but they could not manufacture the other seven. In Acts 8, Simon the magician deceived the people in Samaria with his magic tricks but when Philip came and preached Christ to them and people were saved. Peter and John came down and ministered the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Simon tried to buy the power to minister the Baptism in the Holy Spiriit and Peter rebuked him.
In the last days there will be an increase in false signs and wonders but also an increase in the manifestation of the power of God. We must know the difference. God does not want us deceived. When someone performs miracles we must still listen to what they say and judge it by the word of God not our feelings. If it does not line up with the word of God then we reject it. God will confirm His word with signs following and Satan will try to imitate what God does but he cannot. When you follow your emotions and senses you will be deceived. Train yourself to ask, "What does the word of God say about this?"