Orphans or Sons?

July 13, 2016


        So many in the body of Christ have an orphan spirit.  An orphan is alway in fear that he will do something wrong and get kicked out. When we adopted our daughter we had to prove to her that when she did worng we would not get mad at her and kick her out.  One time she borrowed our digital camera to take pictures of a friends wedding.  When she got out of the car, the camera which was in her coat pocket fell out and cracked the LCD screen.  Shen was very upset and offered to pay for the damage, all the time fearing that we would reject her.  We did not reject her nor require her to pay nor get angry with her. 

        The Bible says that we have been given the spirit of adoption... That leads us to think that we are nor true sons and daughters of God but just adopted into the family.  A more accurate translation is that we have received the spirit of son placement. This is reflected in the Hebrew culture.  When a natural born son reaches the age of responsibility they have a ceremony to declare him of legal age, the age of responsibility.

        We were born into the family of God in the new birth and we are then placed as sons as we follow the Spirit.  If we are not born a child of God by the new birth then we cannot be placed as sons.  But we are the children of God, those who have received Jesus.  God will never reject you, no matter how bad you mess up.

        Another thing about orphans they feel ill at ease in your house out of fear of offending you.  The son comes in and goes to the refrigerator and eats what he wants.  The orphan sits and even though starving will not go to the refrigerator and will not even ask for anything to eat. 

        We belong to the family of God.  He greatly delights in us. We are not orphan but sons.

        “I will not leave you as orphans [comfortless, desolate, bereaved, forlorn, helpless]; I will come [back] to you.” ‭John‬ ‭14:18‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Edgar Norris