God's Way Or Ours
“John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.”
So many Christians are trying to do their own plans and agendas and then begging God to bless them. We as sons of God are led by the Holy Spirit. When He speaks, He gives us God's plan for us. As we follow God's plan we have His provision and His blessing. We also have His assurance of success. When we are doing our own plan and not God's then the enemy is able to come in and destroy our work. When we receive the plan from heaven and act on it God's protection is over it.
Too many Christians are just creating a dust cloud through their own feeble efforts. One of the primary areas many Christians miss it is they have not been filled with the Holy Spirit. We will never fulfill what God has given us to do without the fullness of the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. The initial evidence is speaking in tongues but tongues should never cease it should become a ever flowing river always increasing. That is we need to pray in tongues daily. The Holy Spirit has been given to supernaturally aid us in our assignment and to enable us to bring to fulfillment what God has given us to do. As we pray in tongues daily He will show us ahead of time what we are to do and we just act out what He shows us. This will not necessarily be a daily itinerary nor will it necessarily be for every part of the day but as He wills, He will show us what is to come. Our job, is to make praying in tongues a daily priority. The revelation part is up to Him. As we seek the Lord praying with our understanding and in other tongues He will show us what He has for us to do, how to do it and when to do it. Our commitment is to honor Him by saying "Yes" to His will for our lives.