July 16, 2016
Praying in tongues daily will increase your awareness of God and His presence with us always. In the Old Covenant God's presence was just on a few and it came only for a short time. In the New Covenant God dwells within us and in the baptism in the Holy Ghost He comes upon us for service. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. As we make it a habit to pray in tongues daily God is able to pray through us about situations that we are not aware of yet and traps ahead of us set by the devil. Tongues is invaluable for praying out our future direction from God. As He shows us then all we do is walk out what He showed us, either by vision, dream or just witness of the Spirit.
The more we seek to develop spiritually and not rely on the flesh the more sensitive we will become to God. When we learn to rely on our spirit as to what time to wake up and not look to an alarm clock the more we will grow. If we lose something if we will ask God to show us where the lost item is and the pray in the spirit while we look, God will show us where it is.
As we daily pray in tongues, God will begin to use us to pray for people and situations that we do not know about and of which we are not aware. We are just learning to yield to the Spirit of God. As we learn to yield by praying in tongues it becomes easier to yield to the Spirit when He wants to use us in the other gifts of the spirit.
“For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.” 1 Corinthians 14:2 KJV