God's Requirement

 August 10, 2016


      What is it that God requires of us? Only to believe on what He has done in Jesus.  When we believe in the salvation that He has wrought in Jesus, God works in us not only to forgive our sins, He also recreates us and destroys the old man of sin and makes us new creations in the image of Jesus.  He has made us righteous by the new creation which is His eternal life. This eternal life is the resurrection life which is proven in that it overcame all of the cruse, poverty, sickness and disease and sin that was us. Jesus became all of our sin which was the curse and paid the ultimate penalty.  When the price was fully paid God raised Him from the dead adn He went into the presence of the Father and was seated at the Father's right hand in glory.  We were raised with Him and seated with Him at the Father's right hand.  The seating of Jesus and us in Jesus speaks of a finished work. Our salvation is already a finished work. Our repentence is to believe what God has done and stop trying to achieve it by our own works. 

        Walking in the finished work also means to not allow sin to reign over us because we have been made righteous and holy by the blood of Jesus.  When we believe we act in accordance with what we believe.  We are to believe in God's great love for us and the work that the love did for us and in us.  So our mouth is filled with praise and thanksgiving. Our hearts are filled with celebration because of what the Father has done for us. It is impossible for you to save yourself but God has done the impossible.

        “Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” ‭John‬ ‭6:29‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Edgar Norris