
August 11, 2016


        In the New Testament there are two different words for word.  One is rhema which means the spoken word.  The other word is Logos which is the written word. 

        “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” ‭Revelation‬ ‭12:11‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        Here in the book of Revelations John said that we would overcome by the blood of the Lamb because it testifies that our debt of sin has been paid in full so Satan cannot take our case before the court of heaven and accuse us of sin. 

        The second weapon that he tells us about is the word of our testimony.  One would think that word here would be rhema, the spoken word but it is not it is logos, the written word.  What he is saying it that our victory is in the written word in our testimony.  When we take the word of God and make it a part of our life so that we see the reality of it then testify of the fruit of that word in our lives, Satan cannot overcome us.  In fact we overcome him by acting on what God said is ours and see the results of His word in our life. 

        So it is not just our testimony but His word in our testimony which we have acted on and seen the truth and reality in our lives.  We have proven God and seen that He is good and the enemy cannot overcome that. 

Edgar Norris