God is Love

August 31, 2016


        God's love is so incredible that we have not even begun to experience it or understand it.  In James it says that God only gives good gifts and there is not even a shadow of turning to anything else.  He also says that sweet water and bitter water cannot come from the same well at the same time.  Some think that God does good and evil to us to mature us.  But the evil comes because of the enemy that was given the right on the earth by Adam and by our acquiesce to do his will. When we yield to the flesh we are yielding to satan and his ways.  God's desire is that we be saved and delivered from the work of the enemy.  As we cling to God with all of our might we walk in the ways of life.  God is our life.  His life is in the believer but that resurrection life does no good if we do not honor it, honor the work of the Holy Spirit in the new birth.  If we look to ourselves to walk upright we are trying to overcome sin through the weakness of the flesh and we fail. As we walk by the spirit of life in Christ Jesus we walk in victory.  This means that we are not to focus on the natural and the circumstances but on what God has said in His word.  As we feed upon His word we feed our spirits and we can hear more clearly through the clamor of our flesh and the noise of the world.  When we walk in strife we are walking by the strength of our flesh.  Anything that is not of love, God's kind of love is not of the spirit. The more we experience the love of God then more we are transmitters of that love to those around us especially the unloveable.  Anyone can love those who love you but it takes the love of God to love those who hate you and despitefully use you.  It is God's goodness and love that will change the world but He will not force that love on someone who does not want it. 

        “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” ‭1 John‬ ‭5:4-5‬ ‭NASB‬‬

Edgar Norris