August 7, 2016
Too often we are waiting on God to do for us what He has already have done. When we are receiving from God for ourselves we need to believe what He has already given to us and to act like it is true. When we beg God to do what He has already done we are not in faith and we will not receive what we are asking for. When we believe what His word says and act like it is true even when we do not see it in the natural yet, God will back up His word. Faith is believing God over everything else. We must school ourselves into believing God's word over our feelings, circumstances, experiences and any testimonies from others that are contrary to what the word says. Sometimes Satan tries to convince us that we are not intelligent enough to understand the word of God but Jesus never taught in complicated terms or concepts. He always put spiritual things in simple terms that people could understand.
Our problem is that we try to understand things through other people's understanding instead of going to the word ourselves and asking ourselves and the Holy Spirit, "What does the word say?" When we focus on the word and give our attention to it we must get the revelation into our spirits and not try to understand with our minds. God wants us to understand and as we give time to the word of God to understand it as it is written, not reading into it what is not there or putting extra material into it we will rise up in faith to receive from God what He has for us.
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
Romans 10:17 KJV